Stephen Brown from The Adventure Team talks about Social Media

I met Stephen just over a year ago when he followed me on Twitter.  We quickly began exchanging tweets, Facebook messages and texts until we finally met in person some months later and have bumped into each other several times since at various networking events.

As a scouter, his business fascinated me from day one as he basically gets paid to do all the fun stuff we do at scouts…. and he does it full time.

I booked him for a black tie event last year to do some pre-dinner games which turned out to be very novel, great sport and people are still talking about it today!

So what does this have to do with Social Media, well its simple.  Stephen started his business (The Adventure Team) just over 12 months ago with virtually no money and absolutely no money for marketing or sales.  What Stephen did have though was a computer and he quickly was able to build a large following on Facebook and Twitter.  I look forward to Stephen’s daily Facebook update where he talks about what he is going to get up to that day. Read the rest of this entry »

A few great businesses coming from Northern Ireland right now.

I have been working with Prince’s Trust as a volunteer and business mentor for nearly a year now.  I am continually over whelmed by the businesses that come out of the program and sometimes more so the young people we work with.

This year the trust helped 200 young people in Northern Ireland to get a foothold in business and life, some made it and some did not but the ones that did not were able to use the experience gained to get fantastic paid employment.  There is always a great span of businesses coming through the program and you always see the regulars like web dev companies, dog walkers, photographers and the like.  I’m not knocking those businesses as the people behind them are great people but sometimes some fantastic businesses come through the loop that really make you think. Read the rest of this entry »

Easyjet have only gone and cancelled me flight !

As far as low cost airlines go I have always been of the opinion that Easyjet were hard to beat.  A good no frills service that does what it says on the tin with no added charges for credit cards, boarding passes etc (Ryanair !)  Further to this apart from the odd delay here and there, I have never really had a major issue with them.

Until this weekend that is.

On Friday evening, we flew Belfast > Edinburgh for a race from Edinburgh Castle to Buckingham Palace, the flight was delayed for 2 hours due to ‘having no crew’ which was no big deal really as we still got there on time.

The issue came on Sunday morning when we were due to go home from Gatwick > Belfast, Final call was called and we rushed around to the boarding area only to be told to go back to security then we were told to go back to the boarding area then we were told to get boarding passes ready and finally we were told that the flight was canceled but to ‘now crew’ and a sheet with our rights was handed out. Read the rest of this entry »