The Big Word Project

As far as pointless hair brained money making, fame educing projects on the web go, this one is fantastic!

Two guys from my home country have come up with an idea to clear their student loans by re defining the entire English language, and I have to say, it might just work!

The idea is very simple, pick a word, I picked SCOUTS, pay $1 per letter, then link that word on their site to where you feel the word SCOUTS best links to! So far over 3200 words have been redefined, and i would say that with recent press coverage this will take off big!

Although, i’ve been struggling about any posatives for the guys, after the fad so to speak. I mean its no wikipedia and I cant really see people going to time and time again to see what words have been redefined, or better still to do some research

In the short term however things look good for the guys, hopefully it will project them into something big for project 2!

for more info see

What is the more important job: A doctor or a councellor?

I overheard a conversation in the coffee shop today whereby a woman was telling her friend about the time her Husband met the Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh.

Her husband is a local council man and also a Doctor, The question the Duke posed to him was which of his roles did he think was better for society?

The Duke seemed to think that his role as a Doctor was the more beneficial role, whereas the Doctor seemed to think his role as councilman was more important.

So i got to thinking………… and I think a Doctor is far more important than a jumped up cival servant, yea sure we need some government officials but surely not the level we have, whereas we are critically sort on Doctors, last week Tyrone casualty had to close for a full weekend as there was no doctor on call, crazy!

Im going to let the debate rage on with my Explorer scouts this evening to see what a bunch of teenagers think of it….

Iphone price crash in UK and Germany

Carphone warehouse have crashed the price of the 8gb iphone model during slowing sales by £100 to sit @ £169 on contract….. £30 cheaper than the ipod touch!

Meanwhile in Germany the price of the 8gb model has crashed from E399 to just E99 on contract

The price crash has further fueled the rumour that the 3g model earmarked for the Australian market, may go global.

02 Ireland Iphone , days away from deal

After being slammed in the press for launching the wi-fi dependand Apple Iphone without a wi-fi roaming partner

02 are days away from striking the deal with a strategy partner

I will post more when I know more!

The Mayor of Darwin is a man called George

Whilst traveling with my scout group is Northern Territory I received an interesting invitation

‘Dear Russell McQuillan & Guest, The lord mayor of Darwin NT would like to invite you to a reception in the civic centre’

Nice one, We had just been to see the Mayor of Cairns last week when we where in town there!

So uniform on, shoes polished we waited in the room we where to do a few photos and the like, In strolls this old ‘dude’ with a Malawian shirt and a pair of shorts

G’Day, what can I do you for, @oh we are just waiting for the Mayor’
That would be me then, GEORGE
(im thinking this guy is nuts, the Mayor of Cairns had a full title, protection, a suit and a load of staff)

Nice to meet you George, what is your full title for our speech later, GEORGE, JUST GEORGE The only people allowed to call me anything different are my competitors, and I can repeat what those b*stards say!!?

On our travels we found Darwin to be ever so slightly more laid back than the rest of Australia (if thats possable) probably because the Mayor is as laid back as they come!! Nice place to live!

An interesting fact is that Darwin has had to be completely rebuilt twice! Once is WW2 and then again after a cyclone in 1974! – updated

So i tried out twitter a while back and was very quick to dismiss it as simply, boring and said

“Will it work, hmmm seems to be popular in oz and usa, Facebook have it wraped up tho I think”

Ok well, I was wrong, mark my words, this thing is addictive, fantastic and will takeover in a short period of time, bebo, then facebook before be bought for silly money by some yahoo microsoft sort

On the outset, when you first sign up you have no followers (people who look at what you say) and knowone to follow, so its pretty boring……. Right get into the public timeline and just watch it for a few minutes, you will soon find some like minded people talking your sort of jib!

Next, hit the settings page and change the option under notices @replys to ‘all @ replys’

After this, get onto facebook and an the twittersync application ( i cant find one on bebo) after this what ever you update on twitter, auto goes on your facebook update, saving you the bother of doing it twice

If you want to have a conversation with someone, friend or foe, pop the following in front of what you want to say @username this way they will know what you are talking about!

When you starting to have fun and starting to get addicted, you could switch on the phone settings, but be brave, you will be bombarded with texts!

I recommend following wsieguyrussell, retrogrrl and calilewis

Online Social Networking, Useful tool or dangerous??

Is social networking taking over your life? Are you using it correctly? or are you asking for trouble?

I have been using Online Social Networking for nearly 14 years now, when I first set up my ICQ personal communication centre back in 1994 to chat to my Family in Australia, and im all for it, when used correctly!

What people do not realise is, that online social networking may be ruining their lifes. Bebo is a prime example, firstly i set up my bebo page about 4 years ago, then deleted it one night after being totally disgusted with it! The thing is, people can and do put anything on their page, and do not realise who can see this. This week i have heard a case about a young girl of 14 being stalked by a 40something man who knew everything about her, what she wore, who she hang about with, her birthday, everything, why? because he looked at her bebo page daily where she documented, photographed and filmed her life! A man in England lost his job this week, because he decided to put on his bebo page what he thought of his boss, his boss was on his friends list……….

Its not just bebo, its myspace and facebook as well, In America, a young girl famously told her mates about her killer party, word spread and the house was trashed. But its the long term damage it causes that worries me, any company worth its salt knows if they are interviewing you that why you leave just pop you name into Google and find you smeared across the pavement of a friday evening in your photos. When you type in the name of a friend of mine into Google, as esteemed business person, up pops a comment left on someones bebo page 2 years ago stating how he is ‘hacked off with work, wants to tell his boss to stick it and is going to go out and get wasted this weekend’ nice image for anyone wanting to know abit more about the charity he works for eh?

Another thing is that school kids seem to live more on these sites than is real life, I actually here conversations like ‘you where not online last night, what where you at?’ WHAT??? I only go online when I have nothing todo or for work!

But its not all bad, and I have to say I do! use these services quite a lot, but not to find out what my mate is doing who just lives around the corner, but to keep in touch with people I cant and dont see, like family in OZ, Scouting friends in USA, Canada, OZ and Ireland, and to meet new scouters, share ideas and plan joint camps. Online Social Networking is a fantastic tool if in the correct hands, but please use it wisely!!!