Volcano's, Bankruptcy and Strike's, Oh my ! Is it time to loose faith in the airline industry ?

The traveling public have had a bit of a wake up call this year with regard to air travel.  Between strikes, bankrupcy’s and that bloody volcano people have began to slowly learn just how fickle the industry is and just how much we actually rely on it for everyday life.

The complete shut down of UK airspace has knocked the world out of sync, planes dispatched in far corners, mail not arriving, friends and family stuck dear know’s where.

Personally I think Michael O’Leary has done the industry a massive injustice last month when he agreed to pay out passengers for responsible expresses after claimed he would rather go to court than hand over the readies.  Legally bound to pay yes however a court case would have highlighted just how tight a rope these companies walk on and that you really do get what you pay for.  He had a opportunity to change the game going forward.  After all someone has to pay for this so we are going to feel it in flight prices for years to come.   You can’t really expect to pay £10 for a flight and then be put up in a hotel for 5 days when the flight can’t go through no fault of the airline can you ? Read the rest of this entry »

Rusky Links :: #2 w/c 10/5/2010

A round up of interesting things from around the Interwebs Read the rest of this entry »

Hey teacher, leave us kids (Facebook profiles) alone

I am a part time volunteer youth worker and I have many friends who are teachers, there are two schools of thought on weather or not teachers and students can be friends on social media sites.

The first argument is that, Facebook and sites like it are a great way to connect with students out of school.  Many teachers use blogs to do this but I have heard of a few recently who have been friending students to update them about classes, news stories and topics of interest.  The issue comes when students or teachers start posting personal things on their sites, who they are going out with, what they are getting up, photo’s and the like.  Things that could be taken in the wrong context and can personally damage the view of students or the professional life’s of teachers. Read the rest of this entry »

Dont believe everything you read on the Internet – It was not my Birthday yesterday.

Congratulations! Your e-mail address was pre-selected and entered into the Nigerian lottery and guess what you won ! 500,000,000.

I must be the richest sob in the world, except I have never seen the money. I have though been getting these emails since 1994 when I first joined the world wide interweb, or compuserve as it was back then.(the ISP that is).

At the age of 14 something was clear to me. My details online in the wrong hands were dangerous so since then I have never given a web site my date of birth or home address with the expection of eBay or play.com when I need something delivered but they never get my date of birth, sometimes they are lucky if they even get my real name.

So in 2007 when I signed up for facebook the same thing went. DOB 5th May, I always keep my online birthday the same so it’s easy to remember. Read the rest of this entry »

It's time to talk about rental cars

I have been holding off writing this for quite some time, partly because I was so fuming with rage, partly because I was waiting to see how it played out and partly because it take’s more time than one might realise to write these things.

That said, the dust has settled and my boiling blood has reduced to a low simmer so here goes………

In February.  I along with my fellow Network Scouters embarked on another Top Gear Adventure.  This time the plan was to race from Edinburgh Castle to Buckingham Palace.  Car vs Public Transport.  The date and time was set, as was the accommodation now it was just time to figure out how to get our vehicle from Northern Ireland to the UK Mainland for the race and back again after-wards.  Scouts being Scouts, we always try to go for the most cost effective solution after all we do favor sleeping in tents rather than the ritz !  So it was clear from the outset than renting a car was going to work out much cheaper than booking a ferry. * Read the rest of this entry »