CEOPs latest drama ‘exposed’ focuses on sexting

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, make good short films, really short films.  Well researched and executed hard hitting short films to educate kids and parents on taboo subjects.  Their website is pretty cool too.

Their latest drama ‘Exposed’ is aimed at 14-18 year olds and is focused on ‘sexting’ and the forwarding of ‘naughty’ pictures and video’s and the related consequences of the youth for both.  Below is the promotional drama for the actual video, I can’t show you the actual video yet as it’s only available for teachers and youth workers and I hope CEOP release the drama shortly on YouTube and Facebook as this needs to be easily shared online between teens, not just played in the classroom.

When you get the chance, watch it.  Get parents to watch it and get young people to watch it.

Updated : The movie is now online : watch it 

Read the rest of this entry »

It's time to talk about rental cars

I have been holding off writing this for quite some time, partly because I was so fuming with rage, partly because I was waiting to see how it played out and partly because it take’s more time than one might realise to write these things.

That said, the dust has settled and my boiling blood has reduced to a low simmer so here goes………

In February.  I along with my fellow Network Scouters embarked on another Top Gear Adventure.  This time the plan was to race from Edinburgh Castle to Buckingham Palace.  Car vs Public Transport.  The date and time was set, as was the accommodation now it was just time to figure out how to get our vehicle from Northern Ireland to the UK Mainland for the race and back again after-wards.  Scouts being Scouts, we always try to go for the most cost effective solution after all we do favor sleeping in tents rather than the ritz !  So it was clear from the outset than renting a car was going to work out much cheaper than booking a ferry. * Read the rest of this entry »

24 hours as a Porsche driver

I had the great pleasure over Friday and Saturday of driving and owning (for 24 hours) the new 2010 Porsche Boxster, kindly lend to me by the good people of Porsche Centre Belfast.  I have been a fan of Porsche since a boy and whilst all my pals had dreams of winning the lottery and buying up Ferrari’s, Lambos and Astons, my eye was always on a Porsche, and not as a lottery winners car either, I wanted one for an every day car.

I have driven a few other the years and been taken out in others, every week I look at 924s and 944’s in the paper and think, wouldn’t that be a great weekender………… alas I never end up buying one. Read the rest of this entry »

Sonim, the worlds toughest phone ….. but no match for my wife

After breaking nearly every phone I have ever owned when I bought an iPhone I decided that maybe it wasent the best phone to take off roading, to scout camps or the numerous other outdoorman type things I get up which usually end up in a £400 paper weight.

I set about looking for a phone, just for calls, one I could drop, use in the rain and generally abuse.  When I worked for Phones4u we sold the Sonim x1, supposedly the worlds toughest phone, the only problem with this was we sold it (by the truck load to farmers) for the hefty price tag of £450.

Anyway I did some more research and then found a pay and go (unlocked) JCB phone on for £99.99.  The JCB phone is just a Sonim x1 rebranded.

Their advertising goes like this.

Sonim XP1, Military grade phone, unbreakable, this is the worlds toughest phone.  Complete with 3 year unconditional warranty. Read the rest of this entry »

Top Gear Challenge : Race to Cork

After months of debating the best type of transport in Ireland and of
course chatting about the legendary show that is Top Gear, we (Lagan
Valley Explorer Scouts) decided to take the debate one step further
and run our own version of one of Top Gear’s races across a country.

The challenge was set; we would meet at McDonalds Sprucefield at 5am
on Saturday 27th June and see who would be the first team to arrive at
Cafe Hi, Merchants Quay Shopping Centre in Cork 250 miles away.

We had three teams:

Team 1, made up of Harriot, Alison and Mark went for the public
transport option, taking the bus to Dublin (no trains at 5am, shame!)
and then catching a train to Cork.

Team 2, made up of Warren, Clare and Pudz decided to fly however the
only flight they could get left from Dublin at 9 – so they to would
need to grab the bus to get that far.

Team 3, made up of myself, James, Stu and Hylands took 2 cars and
would drive the full way.

We then had three weeks of excitement, doubt, double checking routes
and talking big talk of who was going to lose.

It very quickly became 5am on 27th June and the race began, and this
is what happened.

I was in the Car Team.

Too much talking and eating of burgers meant we did not actually
realise 5am had passed and we set off, all be it 5 minutes late.
Straight away we had an advantage as we were rolling whereas the other
teams would have to wait 15 minutes on the bus, zero traffic at 5am
meant the drive was the most pleasurable I have ever taken added to
that the banter between the other car over the CB radio and the
banging tunes on the CD player I cannot think of a better way to

At 6am we had made great progress, I received a call from the two
teams on the bus who had just came past Newry but we had just zipped
through the toll road at Drogeda.

At 7am we had shot round the M50 in great time and where on the road
to cork, The other two teams had got off the bus and split up at the
airport with the Plane team checking in for their 9.00 flight and the
train team grabbing a cab across Dublin for their 8am train, this is
where (for them) the fun began !!

At around 7.10am I received a call from Warren, my brother in the
Plane team who informed me that Clare had forgot to print her boarding
card all was not lost though as the lovely girl at the check in desk
of (lets call them) Bryanair offered to reprint it for her for a mere
€40, what a lovely company to fly with!

Things were not running smoothly for the train team either, the bus
had came into Dublin 10 minutes late making it incredibly tight to get
the 8am train, the taxi agreed to zip across Dublin for them, getting
them into the station 6 minutes before the train was due to leave.
That however was not the end of their problems, their tickets had been
pre-booked and the reservation machine was not finding the tickets
against the credit card they had booked with, a long queue meant they
could miss the train.  They got sorted though with minutes to spare
and boarded the train just as it was about to leave.

With everyone now south of Dublin, adrenalin was starting to pump and
everyone was getting excited and concerned that the other teams would
arrive first.  At this time we spotted a sign by the side of the road
– CORK – 39KM, What? Really? Fantastic, we where defiantly going to

The phone call’s pretty much stopped at this stage, the plane team
were through security, the train team had boarded and we where very
close to Cork – the race was on big time.

We entered Cork city at around, 8.15 and began looking for the
shopping centre.  We parked up to asked a taxi driver who informed us
it was right behind us, a quick lap of the one way system we parked
and began to laugh hysterically (knowing the plane has not taken off
yet!)  At 8.35 we arrived at the cafe and won the race.

The next hour and a bit was pretty boring, we were waiting on the
plane team landing and checking in…… not wanting to let people
know we had won – I decided to update my facebook with ‘ flat tyre,
this could cost us the race!’ straight away Harriet texted me to laugh
(the joke is on you now Harry) at around 10.15 the Plane team checked
in again to say they had landed and were on route to the meeting
point, the race (or so they thought) was on again.

Sat in the Coffee store, two of my party had gone to cash machine and
I began to panic – the rules stated that all the team had to be
present when the 2nd team arrived to count as a victory, oh noes ! I
quickly rounded them up and we sat quietly in the corner waiting, I
could hear Pudsey from the plane team coming around the corner saying
(I think we have won ……….. oh f&*^$£^%£)

That was it, the car won, the plane came second and later the train
team came running in and lunch was on them !


We all left at 5am, checking into the end-zone at

Car 8.35am

Plane 10.35am

Train 10.55am

Making 2009 matter in local scouting

This year, we at Lisburn and District Scouts are celebrating 100 years in operation, It is also the first full year of my new tenment of District Explorer Scout Commissioner which makes me repsonsible for all scouting in Lisburn District for boys and girls aged 14-18.

Explorer Scouting is Lisburn or Lagan Valley as we like to call it has not been without its problems since its conception nearly 5 years ago.  Before Explorer Scouts started, boys and girls would have stayed within their own group until the age of 16 and at that age they would then (like I did) either choose to be a young leader within the group, join a venture scout unit (16-20) or do both.  The boys and girls now have to (at 14)  join a larger district group for more adventuresome activities.

The implementation was problematic at best and we found that the kids at 14, did not want to leave their group but stay on.  We also found a negative impact on the scout section were the leaders found it more difficult to teach the younger kids without the aids of older more sense able patrol leaders.

The solution was to form Partnership agreements whereby each group could start their own Explorer group under the district umbrella and that group would take part in district explorer scout events once or twice per month.  This again worked in theroe however no district events ever seemed to take place.  In October of 2008 I was approached to take on the lead of Explorer Scout Commissioner for Lagan Valley Explorer Scouts and head up a district program to include all of the partnership groups, and older scouts heading towards Explorer age.

My tenment ties in well with our 100 year celebrations and now I find myself wondering, How can I make this year matter? How can I change the way Explorer scouts in Lagan Valley Run? and How can I make a difference?

In the past kids from the partnership groups have not been keen to get together with other groups – you know what kids are like!  so my first thoughts are to organise at least one evening per month weather it be something really scouty or just pizza and coffee, It will get them together and interacting.

My second thoughts are to arrange at least one camp or sleep over per quater – there is nothing better in this world than camping with your mates and over a weekend you can really get to know each other.

Thirdly I want to take things to the next level, badge work and camping is great but I want to create an experience and open oppertunities to these kids that they would just not get in school or youth clubs, International trips, Surfing, Rally car driving, Shooting, Scuba diving and all that sort of thing.

The road will be long, but very worth while. (I hope!)

Living in the country? You will need a 4×4!


Town folk, or townies as we country folk like to call them like to criticise and slam us 4×4 drivers, but the truth of the matter is, some of us need them !

Take today for example, I am driving round the road to my friends house and hey-ho a felled tree, most people would turn and drive a different route, Handy to have a 4×4 tho………

15 minutes later and the road is clear! Another reason why I am Keeping my 4×4 ! deal with it !

Co. Antrim Network Scouts – Next Meeting

There will be a meeting of County Antrim Network Scouts tonight in Burger Express in Lisburn at 7.30pm.

Network scouts in a casual group of guys and girls aged 18-25 that meet for coffee about once a month and try to do some out of the ordinary adventures a few times a year. This year we took on a banger rally, tried our hands at surfing and staffed a few camps !

If you are around, why not drop in and say hello !

I'm not sure what Scouting HQ would make of this ……..

I’m not sure that this is the exact message we are plugging as a movement, but hey we don’t discriminate come one, come all !

Fancy Dress halloween party at McQuillan HQ

A great night was had on Friday evening at McQuillan HQ, hosted by McQuillan Events (Or me !)

The guest’s ranged from the Executive team at Antrim Network Scouts, Lagan Valley Explorers, Friends and Family.

I’ve been holding Halloween parties for the past few year’s with great success. This year it was super to see my 7 month old daughter dressing up for her first Halloween, not that she has much choice !

Even the dog joined in !